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"The reason I am part of Jamestown City Revival is that when I received Jesus as Lord of my life, I received an overwhelming desire to share Him with others. I want to tell everyone else about this miracle, and for others to have the same life, joy and hope as I knew at that moment, and know today. It is more real than anything else to me. He has helped me through different situations in my life. I don't know how people can live without God in their life, without Jesus as their Savior, and without the Holy Spirit for guidance in today's topsy turvy world of trouble and terror. I gave my life to Jesus and got gloriously saved through the message of the Gospel preached by a well known Evangelist. It took a little while after that for me to understand what it means to " out your own salvation with fear and trembling.." (Philippians 2 : 12.) But because of His faithfulness, and the living work of His Word, the Bible, He has kept me and led me on the path He has prepared for me. God has a plan for every individual - take time to find that plan for you and you'll never be more satisfied!"

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